Sunday, 31 October 2010
Περισσοτερες συστάσεις είναι ασφαλώς περιττες. Ίσως να σας χρησημεύσει το manual που ακολουθεί έτσι ώστε να εντρυφίσετε στις διδαχές του ουτεκανισμού
Cunt Odyssey: Search for Vaginal Datapoints LSD, MDMA, 2C-B, Ketamine, & Alprazolam by Scribe {{EROWID}}
Saturday, 30 October 2010
This slumber party was convened with the intention to administer primarily LSD [paper tabs] intravaginally and noting response. One woman abstained from the LSD and took 2C-B instead (following by ketamine). Two took MDMA intravaginally in veggie capsules in addition to the LSD. Another abstained from LSD and took alprazolam instead and served as scribe. One participant imagined that she would have to take more [5 hits rather than one] for this method of administration, but the majority operating assumption was that we should “take less” than a typical oral social dose. This came in part from one story a participant had heard of adverse reactions (i.e. heart attack) from women whose partners had put cocaine on their cocks before intercourse, as well as experiences of rectal administration.
Unless otherwise specified, all doses below were administered vaginally. We noted age, weight, medications, point in the menstrual cycle, and astrological info (sun/moon/ascendant. hey why not). All women are still menstruating [no one menopausal]. Chocolate was ingested by the majority of the participants prior to administration. A small altar was set up with objects of personal significance. Note: the LSD blotter imprint was “condoms”, the irony was not lost on us.
BE: 26 y.o., 165 lbs., no meds, irregular menstruation [doesn’t bleed every month]. Aries, Aries, Sagitarius.
She took 1 hit of blotter acid vag., followed by another hit at T+1:00. After second hit, “definitely feeling something.”
MJ: 33 y.o., 132 lbs., meds: acid blocker, anti-inflammatory (one steroidal), asthma meds, birth control;
Aquarius, Pisces, Libra.
She took 1 hit of blotter acid vag, followed by 50 mg MDMA vag. at T+0:25 and a hit of blotter acid at T+1:00.
After 25 min., she is burping which is normally an alert associated with nausea, but there’s no nausea this time. After 35 min. she’s having a little trouble with linear speech. After 1 hour she is feeling “off baseline”. Shortly after that she checks and comments “cunt smells sweeter, and tastes like E.” At T1:20 she takes 60 more mg MDMA vaginally, and at T2:30 announces she’s “off baseline.”
DJ: 37 y.o., 120 lbs., no meds, post-ovulation, Sagitarius, Cancer, Capricorn.
She took 1 hit of blotter acid vag, followed by 50 mg MDMA vag. at T+0:25 and a hit of blotter acid at T+1:00.
After 35 minutes she notices alerts, and “cunt feels hot.” After 1 hour, “feeling the acid but not the E.” At T1:20 she takes 60 more mg MDMA vaginally, and at T2:00 announces she’s “starting to feel my E.” Next morning after waking up, “cunt smells sweet.” The most surprising datapoint for the whole experiment was when at T+18 the next day, DJ had sex with her husband and it potentiated the MDMA that she hadn’t really fully felt the night before!
DC: 42 y.o., 127 lbs., meds: birth control pills, menstruating and has a yeast infection, Leo, Aries, Sagitarius.
She took 1 hit of blotter acid vag., then another after one hour. At T+2:30, “Well I say, I’m not going to get high tonight.”
HC: 39 y.o., 160 lbs., no meds, post-menstrual, Virgo, Scorpio, Scorpio.
She took 1 hit of blotter acid vag, and 175 mg MDMA orally. Nothing notable to report.
IK: 30 y.o., 140 lbs., meds: birth control pills, pre-menstrual, Virgo sun.
She took 2 hit of blotter acid vag. and 100 mg MDMA orally. Felt higher than the rest but 'at 50%' nonetheless.
DL: 24 y.o., 130 lbs., no meds, ovulating. Taurus, Taurus, Virgo
She took 10 mg 2C-B vag. [normal oral dose is 17 mg]
After 10 minutes, feeling “fluttery,” “I’m feeling high.” After 40 minutes, “cunt feels hot” followed by “I’m high” and “feeling it in my body, it’s not in my head.” After 2 hours, “Not really feeling high. Would be feeling this dose more if it were oral.”
T+2:20 – 50 ml vag. ketamine. Lay on her back with her hips up in the air, used a syringe with the needle taken off, some spilled, conclusion: “We don’t have the tools for proper administration.” Fifteen minutes after the ketamine, “I feel heavy”, feeling a typical K sensation that she feels under her chin, feeling more mobile and verbal than this dose would feel like if taken IM. After 25 minutes, felt a distinct sensation of cold in a ring around the labia right where the hair stops.
Scribe: 33 y.o., 123 lbs., no meds, pre-ovulation, Cancer, Cancer, Scorpio.
She took .25 mg of alprazolam vag.
Recently diagnosed with “colpospasm” (spasming of pelvic muscles) so general low-level discomfort in pelvic area makes me not want to put any stimulating chemicals in my vagina, and I’m quite familiar with soothing effects of .25 mg of alprazolam so it seems like a good thing to experiment with. At T+0:40, feeling sensations in lower limbs, legs and feet are getting colder. After an hour, feet are uncomfortably cold, and the colpospasm has relaxed a bit, although this may be from being in a generally relaxing social setting. Not feeling typical anxiolytic effects. Would I take this again this way? Maybe just to see, but at a higher dose, like .5 or 1 mg.
General comments before time stamped comments:
After administration, we realize how cool it would have been to check pH levels before and after. Next time: litmus paper. Generally, we did not get “as high” as a comparable oral dose. Some did not consider they “got high” at all, or just felt “at 50%”, in “the land of alerts”, or “off baseline”. Onset felt slower and attenuated, though alerts began at the same time as expected for an oral dose. No nausea was reported. Consensus seemed that this was not an efficient way of dosing, and that for any future experiments, compounds should be in solution or in some cream form for better dispersion. We agreed that it was good that we were cautious about dose this first time.
T+0:35 – topic of conversation is what we’ve just done and what different ways we could experiment with this method of administration, what we can research about women and psychoactives (history, existing data on pharmacology), women’s circles and group tripping, issues related to families, and how there is a lack of visible psychedelic mentors for women. When considering if psychedelics “bring on” or delay menstruation, most participants say that brings it on, two don’t notice if it brings it on, one says it delays her menstruation, and one says she used to have break-through bleeding each time she tripped, before she went on birth control. We considered how since weight can fluctuate during the menstrual cycle, that could influence effects [as well of course as hormone levels]. One participant mentions how European women take aspirin intravaginally and that this way they avoid the stomach upset effects of aspirin. Another participant describes how she makes sexual partners who are tobacco smokers (especially) wash their hands before touching her intimately, because otherwise it stings.
T+ 0:45 – Participants starting to feel a little high, subject of conversation turns to sex, sex and boundaries, assumptions about how many people think that mixing sex with psychoactives makes the sex somehow “less real”, that it removes agency. But it really doesn’t, people just have to be clear about intention.
T 1:15 – MJ and DJ, who both took MDMA & LSD, notice that one is feeling the effects of the MDMA more quickly, and feels as if her pH is different, that it changed after administration.
T+1:45 – general restlessness about “not feeling very high”. Considering what else we should do, and talking about making the experiment not so pure [i.e. boosting orally].
T+2:00 – the only participant really feeling high is the one who took 2 hits of acid and 100 mg oral MDMA to begin with, but she still has described the acid part as “feeling at 50%”.
T+3:00 – “land of alerts”, “still coming on”, “not really high.” DJ's husband has been invited over the deliver the nitrous oxide delivery device [whipped cream canister]. He is offered a cartridge of nitrous to enjoy before returning home, and is treated to a pleasant way to augment nitrous oxide inhalation that was refined at a previous slumber party. The person inhaling sits on the floor with all the others in a circle around them. After inhalation, the circle of people make soft strange noises and whisper affirmations and nice things around the person in the middle, moving around to change the location of the sounds and create air movement, generally weaving a sonic web around them. This is a gourmet version of saying 'wa wa wa' to someone on nitrous. After this, the husband promptly left.
T+3:30 –This is about where general time stamps taper off because the scribe wanted to get high. Scribe takes 4 ml of GHB (oral), followed by two cartridges of nitrous oxide (inhaled), followed after 15 minutes by 2 bumps of ketamine from a bullet (insufflated). Last notes are “time stamp makes no sense, on K. 1:08 AM, high high high from just 2 bumps of K.” Apparently the GHB made the modest dose of ketamine zoom really hard.
By hour 4, all but one person are on ketamine [6 taking 40-70 mg ketamine IM, and 2 take ketamine intranasally], and most partake in smoked acacia resin rolled with a smoking blend that has a little tobacco in it. The tone of the gathering is no longer linear and intellectual, but has generally become a social ketamine trip interjected by a short while of contemplative silence as the acacia joint gets passed around. People are taking turns telling stories and engaging in verbal banter, exclaiming about the states of mind they’re in [“Work with me here, I’m high!!”], stretching or rubbing tense muscles, cuddling, eating grapes, giggling, inhaling nitrous oxide. Soundtrack: Boards of Canada.
by 4:30am [T+6:00] LD, BE, DJ are somewhat asleep, others are either wide awake [MJ, “from the acid”], or feeling like it’s time to go to bed. Scribe goes to bed and wakes up the next morning at around 9:30am. Everyone is up but MJ and DJ, who took some clonazepam to go to sleep.
Plans are discussed for a future experiment, perhaps with liquid cactus extract. Breakfast snacks followed by group hug to seal in the fun, trust, spirit of experimentation and comeraderie.
As mentioned above, the most surprising datapoint is the next day DJ’s MDMA kicked in after she had sex with her husband. Duly noted.
Overall, it seemed like the group didn't get very much from vaginal administration, it seemed less effective and efficient than oral administration, but participants would consider another experiment with substances in solution or cream.
Exp Year: 2003 | ID: 26033 |
Gender: Female | |
Added: Aug 11, 2003 | Views: 238703 |
From EROWID, http://www.erowid.org/experiences/exp.php?ID=26033 |
Thursday, 28 October 2010
-Σήκω παιδάκι μου να ψηφίσεις
-Αααα μανουλα πως θα ψηφίσω αφου δεν έχω χεράκια
-Δαγκωτό θα το ρίξεις βρε όρνιο
-Μμμμ καλα. τι θα φάμε για lunch?
-Πρέζα αυγοκομμένη
-Γου-α-ου, το αγαπημένο μου...
Aυτα γκογκες μου και μη ξεχνάτε να τρώτε όλη σας τη πρεζούλα για να γινετε κεκερια...γΙΟ!!
Γνωρίζουμε βέβαια όλοι μας πολύ καλά οτι κάπιοι απο εμάς σκέφτονται πως οι εκλόγες είναι το μοναδικό όπλο του λάου για να διεκδικήσει, να πιέσει ή και να τιμωρήσει του πολιτικούς και γενικά οτι σε φάση λέει να ψηφίζεις γιατί τα σπάει κτλ. Λάθος αυτό. Ο εχθρός μας είναι ο ίδιος ο λαός, ο πολιτισμός, η λογική, ο Μπαγκζ Μπάνι, οι Μαζου & δε Ζου (τυχαιο?), ο Μαζωνάκης και οι μπέητς. Μην ψηφίζεται γιατί η ψήφος έιναι συμβόλαιο με το Σειταν.
Monday, 11 October 2010
Θα'μαι φίλος σου για πάντα, θα σου πάρς δώρο ένα φιατ παντα
Δύο μανίκια
Στους πρόποδες τις Πάρνηθας σαντάμωσα Πρώτη μου μίλησες εσύ μα δεν σαπάντησα
Μου είπες έλα μέσα εδώ μικρέ, λίγο να σε ζεστάνω Να φάμε και να πιούμε εδώ πιο πάνω
Με τράβηξες με βία απτη ζακέτα Σαν ήθελες να παίξεις τη τρομπέτα
Απτο άνχος το πολύ δεν το κατάλαβα Πως μπήκα σε μια σκούρα Πόρσε γκρι με 1000 άλογα
Μικρός και ντροπαλός καθότι ήμουνα Δεν σκέφτηκα ποτέ ούτε περίμενα
Πως θα βρισκα διέξοδο στο πρόβλημα Και θα τρωγες μαζί μου τέτοιο κόλλημα
Θα σου τραβήξω δύο μανίκια Για να πληρώσω όλα τα νοίκια Τις κάρτες όλες να ξοφλήσω Και τα τηλέφωνα νανοίξω
Ααααα, Στη μάνα μου δεν πάω πίσω Ααααα, Με το πουρό θα ξεστρατίσω..
Ρε για δες παιχνίδι η μοίρα που μου έπαιξε Και η τύχη η ριμάδα να με μουντζώνει έπαψε
Το είπαν και οι φίλοι ότι μου΄φεξε Και της γριάς της κότας το ζουμί πήγαινε ρούφηξε
Τις τράπεζες εγώ θα ταπεινώσω Τις τρύπες όλες αύριο θα βουλώσω
Στο Internet ξανά θα καυλαντήσω Τις μετοχές με σένα το πουρό.. θα τις αυξήσω
Σακούλα πλαστική θα σου φορέσω Γιατί φοβάμαι πως δεν θα μπορέσω
Να κάνω ψυχικό για να γλιτώσω
Και τα χρωστούμενα.. να ξεχρεώσω

Xα χα και χοχοχι και κεγεντρουχι κεκερακια μου..Πραγματικα τα καλυτερα..
Αυτοαναιρεση:Ουτε για πλακα δεν ειναι ολα αυτα κερεικερς και πραγματικα παμε απο το κεικερ στο μεικερ με το ουτεκεκερακι να παιζει τον ρολο του μπαλατερ..
Το ελεφαντακι γελαει απο μεσα του με αυτα που βαζει τα συμπαντικα κεκερακια να βλεπουν και εκμεταλλευομενο την θεση του τους ζηταει φουιιιιιινξ με ρυθμους φουλ χαλαρους(1 χαλαρο τρισεκατομμυριακι ανα λεπτεικερ φεισερς)..Kατα λαθος το ελεφαντακι μας παρεσυρε με την προβοσκιδα του την σφαιρα της πραγματικοτητας σε μια τελιωμενη γκρεμιλα και ετσι ολα πλεον ειναι μωβ και πορτοκαλι μορειιιρο!!

Ειναι φουλ ορεα η πραγματικη φανταστικοτητα κεκερακια μου!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
κυριακη και εκκλησια
Sunday, 10 October 2010
Παράξενη συμπεριφορά είχαν οι κατσίκες της ηθοποιού Αλεξάνδρα Μπαστέδο, η οποία τις βρήκε να χοροπηδούν σαν τρελές, να κάνουν τούμπες και να χτυπούν στους φράκτες και μεταξύ τους στη φάρμα της στο δυτικό Chiltington στη Βρετανία.
Το τρίο (Homer, Marge και Lisa, από τα ονόματα των ηρώων της σειράς Simpsons), σύμφωνα με τον κτηνίατρο που κάλεσε η ηθοποιός, βρίσκονταν σε.... "ταξίδι", καθώς κατανάλωσαν ψυχοτρόπα "μαγικά" μανιτάρια που είχαν φυτρώσει σε κάποια γωνιά της φάρμας.
Οι κατσίκες υπέφεραν από παραισθήσεις, λήθαργο και εμετούς και πέρασαν δύο ολόκληρες ημέρες μέχρι να συνέλθουν.
"Κατάλαβα ότι κάτι συμβαίνει. Η Marge έδειχνε σαν να είχε πιει αλκοόλ. Συνήθως είναι τα πιο φιλικά ζώα που έχω και τις παίρνω μαζί μου ακόμα και όταν πηγαίνω επίσκεψη" δήλωσε η 64χρονη ηθοποιός, η οποία είχε παίξει σε καλτ σειρές της δεκαετίας του 60', αλλά και στην ταινία της σειράς Τζέιμς Μποντ "Casino Royal".
Πρόσθεσε ότι δεν γνώριζε ότι υπήρχαν τέτοιου είδους μανιτάρια στη φάρμα της, μέχρι που οι κατσίκες κατάφεραν να τα ανακαλύψουν.
Η κα Μπαστέδο άρχισε να μαζεύει ζώα στη φάρμα της πριν 30 χρόνια και τώρα έχει 55 εθελοντές που τη βοηθούν να φροντίζει εκατοντάδες κατοικίδια.

Καλα ναι
Monday, 4 October 2010
Researchers treat PTSD with Ecstasy-assisted psychotherapy
- July 19th, 2010 9:39 pm ET
MDMA is Methylenedioxymethampethamine, or Ecstasy used to
treat PTSD sufferers
Researchers used Ecstasy-assisted psychotherapy to treat PTSD sufferers in a study with surprising results the Journal of Psychopharmacology reported today, July 19, 2010.
This "...study is the first completed clinical trial evaluating MDMA as a therapeutic adjunct," according to the Journal of Psychopharmacology.
MDMA, or Ecstasy is a dissociative drug, hallucinogen, as well as a stimulant abused by many teens, and younger adults.
According to the National Institute of Mental Health, (NIMH), PTSD is, "...an anxiety disorder that can develop after exposure to a terrifying event or ordeal in which grave physical harm occurred or was threatened. Traumatic events that may trigger PTSD include violent personal assaults, natural or human-caused disasters, accidents, or military combat."
Treatment for PTSD is often difficult for the patient because he must talk about the trauma that is at the heart of the mental illness. Patients can become overwhelmed, and stuff their feelings, as well as images. Basically they are numbing themselves. When a patient does this, disclosure to the therapist is cut off and the sessions are ineffective.
The research using MDMA, or Ecstasy on subjects with chronic, treatment-resistant posttraumatic stress disorder involved 20 patients. Twelve were give MDMA, and the other 8 unknowingly took a placebo. A placebo is, "a substance having no pharmacological effect but administered as a control in testing experimentally or clinically the efficacy of a biologically active preparation," according to Dictionary.com. In this study, the biologically active substance was MDMA, or Ecstasy.
"The study participants underwent two eight-hour psychotherapy sessions scheduled about a month apart, with 12 patients taking MDMA, and eight taking a placebo. Subjects were also given psychotherapy on a weekly basis before and after each experimental session. An independent psychologist evaluated each patient's symptoms of PTSD prior to and after the sessions," reported U.S. News & World Report.
When the study was completed, about 80 percent of patients taking MDMA, in conjunction with psychotherapy were not found to exhibit the symptoms of PTSD any longer as measured by diagnostic tools. The placebo group had only a 25 percent success rate.
PTSD sufferers often abuse drugs because they are unable to deal with the demons that haunt them. For this reason alone, MDMA might be useful for them as well as those who are resistant to other PTSD medications, and therapy.
However, using Ecstasy under anything other than a controlled setting is still dangerous. And with MDMA, ambient temperature, crowds, and noise contribute to the drugs effects in the body, and you can suffer from severe consequences if taking this medication on your own.
"Part stimulant, ecstasy acts on the brain's hypothalamus. It ramps up heart rate and blood pressure and disrupts the brain's ability to regulate body temperature. A brain unable to cool off an overexerted body on a jam-packed dance floor spells disaster," according to teacher.scholastic.com. Kids have dies abusing this drug.
Of course, more research is needed before anything else. Some animal studies have shown MDMA to be a neurotoxin, a drug that destroys neurons or more typically, brain cells. So don't run out to your nearest Ecstasy dealer for a supply. Chances are you're not getting pure Ecstasy anyway if you do buy it off the streets because it is being cut with all kinds of adulterants.
Ζωή μισή (χωρίς εμ-ντί) δε θέλω πια να ζώ
Saturday, 2 October 2010
Πριν απο πάρα πάρα πάρα πολλά χρόνια ήτανε ένα μικρό εμ-ντάκι. Το μικρό εμ-ντάκι ζούσε μόνο του στον εμ-ντι-εμ-ενιο πλανήτη και μπούκωνε ευλαβικά εμ-ντι-εμ-εϊ κάθε μέρα, αφού έτσι κι αλλιώς υπήρχε αύθονο. Μια μέρα που το μικρό εμ-ντακι είχε μπουκώσει ενα σκασμό εμ-ντι, έκανε μια συνέλευση με το εαυτό του (τεχνική που αναφέρεται σε αρχαίες περγαμηνές διάφορων μπλογκ απο άλλες διαστάσεις) και αφού αποφάσισε οτι δε τη παλέυει μια, έφτασε στο συμπέρασμα οτι πρέπει να μπουκώσει λιγο ακόμα εμ-ντι για να γίνει. Έτσι λοιπόν, αφού μπούκωσε και μπούκωσε ότι εμ-ντι υπήρχε, το μικρό εμ-ντακι έφαγε όλο τον πλανήτη του εμ-ντι και μεταμοφορφώθηκε σε μαύρη τρύπα εμ-ντι-εμ-ει ή όπως είναι γνωστές σε διάφορα καμένα τυπάκια σε μαύρη τρύπα του εμ-ντι.
Οι μαύρες τρύπες του εμ-ντι κεκεράκια μου έιναι όντως περίεργα φρούτα. Βασικά, αυτά τα πραγματάκια (οι μαυρες τρύπες του εμ-ντι γκόγκα) έλκουν εμ-ντι απο το πέρατα του σύμπαντος μεϊνερακια μου, απο πέρα μακρύα, και το ρουφάνε όλο και δε το ξαναβλέπει ποτέ ξανά κανένας μωρέϊρο.
Αφου τη πάλεψε σαν μάυρη τρύπα του εμ-ντι για πολλά δισσεκατομυρια χρόνια το μικρό εμ-ντακι, αποφάσισε να βγεί στη σύνταξη και να κόψει τα ντρόγκια και τις μαλακίες. Αφού είχε ούτως η άλλως πολλά ένσημα στο εμ-ντι, έφαγε μια καλή εμ-ντι ως εφαπαξ και την άραξε και πίνωντας μόνο κανα τσιγάρο με τσελέμι ή μπόνγκ. Εντάξει μωρέ, δεν έφταιγε το μικρό εμ-ντακι για όλα αυτα αφού ετσι κι αλλιώς είχε κλάσει τη ζωή του πριν γίνει μάυρη τρύπα. Απλά, το εμ ντι του άρεσε και την έψηνε να ασχολείται μαζί του έστω και χωρίς λόγο, αιτία κι αφορμή, έτσι απλά για τη φάση του εμ-ντι.
Τέλος πάντων ουτε με τη σύνταξη τη πάλεψε το εμ-ντάκι κι άρχησε πάλι να πίνει εμ-ντι σχετικά ψιλο-αρρωστημένα . Σύντομα το μικρό εμ-ντακι μεγάλωσε, γεγονός αναμενόμενο αφού έτρωγε όλο το εμ-ντι του. Όταν ενηλικιώθηκε το εμ-ντακι γράφτηκε στο πανεπηστήμιο του εμ-ντι απο όπου κι αποφοίτησε με πτυχίο στο εμ-ντι και έπειτα βρήκε δουλειά ως δοκιμαστής εμ ντι στο Οζόρα.
Το εμ-ντακι έστειλε τελεξ εδώ στο μεντλεμελεντεν λέγωντας οτι του αρέσει πολύ το εμ-ντι και όποιος θέλει να πάει να το βρεί στο Οζόρα και δε τρέχει και μια σε φέϊζερ. Στέλνει επίσης πολά χαιρετίσματα στη καλυτερή του φίλη, τη φούινξ. Κι επειδή παραξενερώσαμε με τη φλυαρία, τσιμπήστε κι αυτό για κλείσιμο ----> Ζούυυυυυυινξ!